Calling all Coaches and Solopreneurs who want to take their list-building efforts up a notch and have fun doing it!
Introducing . . .
List-Building Bingo
The fun way to grow your email list!

"Don't hesitate! You will not be disappointed."
"You can trust Dr. Melissa to deliver exceptional content in an interesting way that stands out above the crowd. Don't hesitate! You will not be disappointed!"

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

- You've already started growing an email list but your list seems to be stuck at the same number.
Your email list growth has stalled out. - Your list is growing . . . although it's painfully slow.
It's not growing as fast as you want. - Your list is headed in the wrong direction.
It's actually shrinking -- more unsubscribes than new people signing up. You know you've gotta reverse that trend. - Maybe you're starting to realize your list is full of people who aren't your ideal client.
Perhaps you've shifted to a different audience recently or it's becoming clear that your list-building efforts are reaching the wrong people for you. - And maybe you're now on a mission and you realize you've gotta get this list-building thing down once and for all.
Because you know the real magic happens when you grow an email list the right way.
All work and no play is no fun! Add a little fun to your list-building!
There are lots of ways to build your email list.
Discover which ways work best for YOU while you have fun and gamify the process.

Here's How List-Building Bingo Works

1. Pick a list-building task from one of the Bingo categories:
B: Strategies to use your BLOG and website pages to get new subscribers to your email list.
I: People want the valuable INFORMATION you have--ways to give it to them in exchange for their email address.
N: Leverage other people's NETWORKS and use social media to build your list.
G: Appear as a GUEST in multiple ways to gain followers. This strategy has long staying power, too.
O: There are a lot more OTHER ideas you can use, too! We'll be talking about them all month!

2. Score a BINGO by completing all list-building activities in a row, column, or diagonal. Be a superstar with a Coverall Bingo!
Just like in the BINGO games you may have attended in the church basement, you score a BINGO and win by covering over all the squares in a row, column, or diagonal.
Once you hit BINGO, you get to pick a prize from the prize list you set up for yourself ahead of time!
There'll be group prizes available for BINGO, too! For every Bingo you score, you get one entry into the group prize drawings.

3.And the winner is . . .
AND your audience!
You've completed list-building activities and evaluated which ones work best for you! You've scored a BINGO and rewarded yourself for taking action.
And your audience wins, too, by being in your world to benefit from what you're serving. Your email list grows with people who want to hear from you in their inbox. WIN-WIN!

In case we haven't met . .
I'm Melissa Brown, Chief Everything Officer at She's Got Content
I'm Dr. Melissa Brown, founder and CEO of She's Got Content. The nutshell bio: I worked for 25+ years as a pediatric physician and I have the burn-out badge to prove that working hard is not always smart!
I left clinical medicine with my burn-out badge in 2009, got certified as a life-coach, worked for a few years as a healthy life-style coach, and fell in love with content marketing. My first website, Coach Ready Content, is where you'll find my done-for-you content store.
Let's work smart, not hard, and have some fun at the same time while growing and marketing your business. List-building Bingo is my latest product to bring fun to your email marketing tasks. Can't wait to hear you shout, "BINGO!"
List-Building Bingo is LIVE In The Month of June!
Join during the month of June when List-Building Bingo is held as a Live Community Event. Tap into the energy and collaboration of other entrepreneurs who are growing their list, too. List-Building Bingo will be a self-study program for the rest of the year, so join now during this unique opportunity to get support, accountability, community, and collaborations.
Grow Your Email List
The most valuable asset (besides YOU) in your business is your email list. If you think your 'list' consists of the people who like or follow you on social media, you might wake up tomorrow and find you're shut out of contact with them. That doesn't happen when you grow an email list. If you're unhappy with an email service provider's platform, you can move your entire list elsewhere. Try doing that with social media followers!
Discover What Works Best For Your Audience
Too often, marketers set it and forget it when it comes to list-building. You might have a freebie on your website but when was the last time you checked to see how effectively it's working? There are many other ways to grow your email list besides that one lead magnet. Discover what works best for you and your audience.
Collaboration Opportunities
Leveraging the list-building efforts of others is not only smart, it's a win-win-win for everyone! Not only can you connect with others inside List-Building Bingo Live, you can tap into their networks, too, when you take advantage of the collaboration opportunities this month.
What would Bingo be like if there weren't prizes?!? Learn to celebrate and reward yourself when you score a Bingo (or achieve any landmark with your marketing efforts). There will be opportunities to win prizes inside the group this month through achieving a Bingo, too!
Here's What's Inside List-Building Bingo
List Building Bingo Guide Book
The ultimate guide for how to play List-Building Bingo, this guide teaches you how to successfully implement each of the strategies to complete a Bingo square. You'll learn new strategies to grow your list in a fun way.
Bingo Cards
Because . . . Bingo! You can't play bingo without bingo cards!
Reward Menu
Customize your own Bingo Rewards and celebrate your wins. You'll get a page full of reward ideas to jumpstart your creativity. A blank sheet is included to brainstorm your own reward menu.
You do you! Because YOU know what would motivate YOU. Just be sure to ACTUALLY celebrate and reward yourself when you achieve a BINGO!
Email List Growth Tracker
Track your list growth to see which strategies work best for building your list.
Lifetime Access to Library Resources in the Membership Area
Continue to grow your list using these resources whenever you want to boost your list or add a new list-building strategy.
And check out these awesome BONUSES!
BONUS--LIVE event!
You don't have to do it alone! Keep connected, accountable, and join a little friendly competition while having an opportunity for weekly Q & A during the month of May!
Bingo prizes, fun, collaboration!
BONUS--Private Facebook Group!
Connect with others for collaboration and accountability. Keep your eyes open for pop-up livestream bonus trainings here, too.
BONUS--Content Upgrade Workbook
Supercharge your list with highly targeted opt-ins. Create content upgrades for your blog posts. This workbook walks you through how to do it.
BONUS training + recording--What to look for in an email service provider
Don't let the decision about which email service provider to choose hold you back. If you don't already have an email service provider set up, we'll talk about what you need to look for to make your best choice.
BONUS training + recording--How to set up an email opt-in box.
Don't let this step hold you back from collecting names and email addresses.
Crazy low investment of just $67 for this month-long event!
It's Time To Get Real With Yourself
Here's the truth:
Your email list is the most valuable asset in your business.
- You've been working hard to build your business. To reach those people you know you can help and make an impact in the world. Something just hasn't been working for you well enough (yet) when it comes to growing an email list. You want to change that.
- Maybe you've been waiting to start growing an email list. If that's you, what are you waiting for? There's no better time than now to begin--your future you will thank you for starting now!
- Every business, every niche and every audience are different. That's why there's no one size fits all when it comes to marketing strategies. And list-building is one of those marketing strategies that takes some tweaking to get it right. Why not have fun learning what tweaks work best for you?
The way I see it, you have 2 choices right now.
- Keep doing the same thing you've been doing and pray you'll have different results.
- Join me in List-Building Bingo Live for a month of trying some new and innovative fun ways to attract your ideal clients, grow your email list, and tap into a community of like-minded entrepreneurs for accountability and collaboration opportunities.
See you on the inside!