Want Better Results In Your Online Business?
It's been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
If you want different results in your online business, you've gotta do something different.

You want to share your message and your mission through creating content--on your blog, your website, maybe you even want to start a podcast to reach your audience.
But you're always second-guessing yourself with all your decisions when it comes to your content and your business. This leads you to be inconsistent with publishing, hesitant to take a new step and you can't seem to get into a rhythm.
You feel overwhelmed. Confused. Frustrated. You might have started to feel like this is just not worth it. Maybe you've even thought about quitting.
You keep thinking . . .
How do other solopreneurs seem to be able to do all of this??

Smart solopreneurs find a community for accountability and support!
You want to bounce ideas off someone. Someone just like you.
Someone who's also building an online business.
Not your cousin who only uses a computer to do TikToks.
And certainly not your off-line friend who binges Netflix all day.
You want to brainstorm and exchange ideas with other women just like you because . . .
You've Got A Message and You Want To Share It With The World
Don't Give Up! You're In The Right Place.
The World Needs Your Message!
She's Got Content Group Mastermind Is Your Answer!
Melissa is a bottomless tank of resources and an excellent brainstormer!
Melissa is a bottomless tank of resources and an excellent brainstormer! And that goes for any direction you want to take with your content and online marketing. Not only is she familiar with most experts in these areas she is also pretty good at knowing whose style will and won't work with your personality.
"Inspired to write a lot of content in a short amount of time and get it out into the world."
"Dr. Melissa has a knack for helping you describe your perfect client and figure out what to write to attract their business.
She inspired me to sit down and write a lot of content in a short amount of time and to get it out into the world."
"Amp Up Your Content Creation!"
"Even though I’ve been creating online content for years, there was still so much I learned from Dr. Melissa. She has a way of approaching content creation that is fun, interesting, and easy to use. I definitely recommend this course to anyone who is interested in amping up their content creation! "

Community, Support, Mastermind, Accountability
Everything you're looking for to confidently try on new ways to grow your business. You'll also find opportunities for Collaboration, Fun and (Happy!) Surprises
Here's what's going on in the She's Got Content Group Mastermind
Yes, it can seem very lonely when you're sitting behind the computer trying to make every decision all alone. You want to ask someone their opinion or process with someone else. Join a group of like-minded women who want to see you succeed.
Tap into the collective group brain during mastermind sessions. You can make smart decisions after weigh-ins from the group members--you're not doing everything alone anymore. And your opinion matters to everyone in every mastermind session.
Being held accountable to a deadline is one of the biggest keys to success. What's your current accountability? If you're missing deadlines, it could be that you need a different system for accountability. Here's a group to lovingly hold you accountable.
Learn about the different pieces of content marketing and how they fit into your unique business. We explore these throughout each month. It could be email marketing best practices, information products, blogs, video, social media, websites and podcasts.
Let's join together for joint venture projects which might include list building or visibility opportunities. You can always privately JV with other members of the group, too! There are endless possibilities for business growth with your community members.
Fun & Surprises!
What if it were fun? It can be!
It doesn't have to be all work and no play. Let's bring an element of fun and surprise to the group (surprises are one of Dr. Brown's core values--she loves to bring the element of surprise into everything she does!)
Join Now and Never Feel You're All Alone When It Comes To Getting Your Content Done
Keeps Me Moving Forward
I love learning with and from the other talented individuals in the group.
Joining the mastermind will help you fine-tune your business offering(s) and help you with practical strategies to be more visible in your industry.
I enjoy the group accountability. Knowing that there is a focused discussion about my weekly progress keeps me moving forward.
Your Coach Melissa Brown, MD
Dr. Brown's career journey has always had an element of teaching--initially teaching parents and children how to live a healthy life through her work as a pediatrician.
After retirement from clinical practice, Dr. Brown has taught and mentored as a healthy lifestyle coach, author, and speaker. She has hosted and facilitated multiple in-person and virtual groups. She is the host of the annual She's Got Content Virtual Summit founded in November 2020.
Dr. Brown now helps teach and train women solopreneurs and coaches to stop being the world's best-kept secret. Her mission is to help you:
Create great content. Impact people.
Change the world.
Mastermind Details
Pay month to month
Best Value!
/ year
Be sure to choose the annual option on the checkout form.
* Do I have to pay for a year in advance?
When are the Mastermind Group meetings?
How long are the Mastermind Group meetings?
Can I show my written content and get feedback?
What if I want private one to one coaching?
What if I can't make a group meeting one week?
Copyright She's Got Content