Are You Spending Cash -- Buying and Collecting PLR--Private Label Rights DFY content?

But you're not consistently Using Your Stash?

Finally put that PLR (Private Label Rights) content to work and start publishing content like never before. 

Grow your list, grow your income. Do BOTH!

Turn your PLR STASH into CASH!

These live trainings plus co-working sessions are designed for you to take action and GET IT DONE!

Create Cash From Your PLR Stash!

PLR content is designed to help you create and publish more content. That's because you have something to start with that you can easily customize. Doing some minor edits turns this generic content into your own voice. 

generic box of cake mix with a white background

Using PLR is like starting with a cake mix instead of baking a cake from scratch. Sure you can pull out all the ingredients, measure, sift, beat, and fluff and make a cake from scratch.

OR you can add the eggs, water, and oil to the cake mix and you've got a cake made quickly and easily.

You can even make it truly your own by adding frosting and decorations to it. 

Just like cake mixes that sit on the shelf too long, don't let your PLR content sit on your digital shelf too long, either. Depending on the type of content, it can become outdated and stale, just like your cake mix.

If you've accumulated PLR content and it's gathering digital dust on your hard drive what are you saving it for?

Put that content to work for you and get it out there into the world where it can be helping your ideal clients solve their problems and bring them closer to you and your services.

Put That PLR to Work For You

Piggy bank and money

What's Covered During Our Live Sessions:


Get Organized

Start at the beginning!

Know what you've already purchased or have access to. Decide how to get your done-for-you content organized once and for all, so you can easily find what you're looking for. You'll always know what you've got in your stash!


Create a Plan

There are lots of ways to put that stash to work. Let's look at all the ways you can grow your list and bring in a return on your investment from your stash. We'll create a plan for your content stash and break down that plan into action steps.


Become an Edit Alchemist

I'll teach you an easy way to transform that done-for-you content quickly into a truly customized piece. You'll never have to worry about how to edit your done-for-you content in the future when you learn this strategy.


Publish and Repurpose

Make that content continue to work for you over and over. You'll learn how to perform magic by creating the finished piece, publishing it, and having it work for you in multiple ways in addition to the original post.


Join the Open Zoom Co-Working Sessions Every Wednesday In January 2023 and Get It All Done


Melissa is a bottomless tank of resources and an excellent brainstormer!

Melissa is a bottomless tank of resources and an excellent brainstormer! And that goes for any direction you want to take with your content and online marketing. Not only is she familiar with most experts in these areas she is also pretty good at knowing whose style will and won't work with your personality.

Katie McCarthy , Freelance Finance Guide

The Trainings will be held LIVE next on:

Session #1 on Tuesday, January 3rd at 1 pm EST
"Get Organized and Get a Plan"
Session #2 on Monday, January 9 at 1 pm EST
"Edit and Publish, then Repurpose"

Co-working sessions to implement and take action:
Every Wednesday in January from 1 pm-4 pm EST
Open Zoom on January 4, 11, 18, 25


Click the button to get access to the training.

Turn Your PLR Stash Into Cash!

 Let's Do This Together!


"Don't hesitate! You will not be disappointed."

"You can trust Dr. Melissa to deliver exceptional content in an interesting way that stands out above the crowd. Don't hesitate! You will not be disappointed!"

Gail Seignious , Health Coach

"Amp Up Your Content Creation!"

"Even though I’ve been creating online content for years, there was still so much I learned from Dr. Melissa. She has a way of approaching content creation that is fun, interesting, and easy to use. I definitely recommend this course to anyone who is interested in amping up their content creation! "

Anne Bolender , Intuitive Clarity Alchemist

"Inspired to write a lot of content in a short amount of time and get it out into the world."

"Dr. Melissa has a knack for helping you describe your perfect client and figure out what to write to attract their business.
She inspired me to sit down and write a lot of content in a short amount of time and to get it out into the world."

Dr. Renee Cohn Jones , Parenting Coach

Get Access to


for only $147!

All live trainings and recordings plus 4 Co-Working sessions to get your PLR Stash organized, come up with a plan to use it, customize it. publish and repurpose that content.

Meet Your Coach and Teacher for this event--Dr. Melissa Brown

'Ask for what you want' has become my rally cry but it hasn't always been that way! I let my health almost be ruined by lack of boundaries and jumping to help everyone else while putting myself last. This led to my leaving my pediatric practice in 2009 after stress and burn-out affected my health big-time.  

I didn't stay 'retired' long before I discovered there's a whole big world out there I wanted to tap into! 

I now help starting-out and struggling solopreneurs, coaches, healers, and creatives get all their content pieces together in a strategic way. This allows them to attract their dream clients and impact the most people with a clear, focused message, all without stress and overwhelm. I also write done-for-you health, wellness and self-development content that's sold with PLR license at

Here at She's Got Content, it's all about the strategies for creating content to magnify your message -- learning how to create your own stage instead of waiting for someone to invite you onto theirs.

If you want to see positive changes in the world, I positively want to see you succeed! I want to help you connect with people you're meant to help and people meant to help you. I see a vision filled with ripples of connection continuing past this event and extending globally. Come join me and catch my vision, too!

Create great content. Impact people. Change the world.

Melissa Brown, MD

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