In this episode, I’m going to show you how to come up with endless ideas for compelling content that your ideal audience will absolutely love. You’ll never run out of content ideas in the future when you master how to do a brainstorming session and collect all your ideas in a place where you can access them in the future.
I’ll tell you the secrets to set yourself up for success so you generate the most ideas during your designated time. It’s important to plan this time with certain strategies in mind so you’re not heading down rabbit holes that are not productive paths.
Additionally, ideas are lost too often because content creators have no one set place to put their ideas. Start with a designated content container and always put your content ideas into that one place. This way, you’ll always have plenty of accessible sparks and ideas for coming up with magnetic new content for your audience whenever you want.
Tune in to this episode to learn how to produce an endless content stream for your business.
Don’t Miss Inside This Episode:
- How to set up your brainstorming sessions so you’ll be able to create the most ideas for your future content.
- Discover how to remember the most important ways to set up for content idea success using the acronym, CONTENT.
- One surprising place to mine for content creation ideas that will guarantee your audience will love what you write about. HINT-they’ve already shown you what they like there.
- How to use Amazon to spark ideas for coaching groups and digital products.
Links and products mentioned in today’s episode:
If you liked these tips for content creation, head over to and get your ToolKit/Workbook to “Never Run Out of Content Ideas.”
About Your Host
Melissa Brown, MD – Coach, Author, Speaker, Teacher, and Podcast Host.
After leaving medical practice in 2009, Melissa discovered the online world and never looked back! After coach certification, she began a healthy lifestyle coaching practice online and quickly fell in love with blogging, writing, and content marketing.
Melissa believes that coaches have the power to change the world. Unfortunately, too many coaches get discouraged by the amount of content they need to create for marketing their business and this can lead to overwhelm and giving up on their dreams. There’s such a ripple effect when a dream dies, so Melissa is on a mission to help coaches and solopreneurs overcome the overwhelm when it comes to content creation so they keep those dreams alive.
Your content can impact massive amounts of people and positively change the world. You’ve got content in there inside you; let’s get it out into the world.
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She’s Got Content Facebook group:
Get your FREE Never Run Out of Content Ideas Tool Kit/Workbook
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Below their content creators, You're listening to the She's got
Speaker:content podcast. It's all about creating content for
Speaker:your coaching business. I'm your host, Doctor Melissa
Speaker:Brown, and I'm here every week to help you get your content
Speaker:out of your head, out of your heart, and out there into the world
Speaker:Where that information and your services can impact the
Speaker:most people. Get ready to take notes today and
Speaker:then take action content creators. Let's dive in with
Speaker:today's episode because you've got content to get out
Speaker:there. Hey there, and welcome back to another episode of the
Speaker:She's got content podcast. I'm your host, Melissa Brown,
Speaker:and I'm here every week with another less for getting that content out of
Speaker:your head, out of your heart, and out there into the world.
Speaker:Today, we're gonna talk about how to do a brainstorming
Speaker:session to come up with all kinds of ideas for your content.
Speaker:Now you might be asking, why do a brainstorming session?
Speaker:Well, you'll never again have the experience of looking at that
Speaker:blank computer screen, and wondering what you're gonna write about for your next
Speaker:blog post or podcast episode once you've come up with
Speaker:all these ideas. You'll always have ideas for writing
Speaker:emails, and it can even help you come up with your next
Speaker:digital product or a workshop idea, or maybe even an e
Speaker:book topic. You'll never run out of ideas to write about when you
Speaker:sit down and you plan out doing a content
Speaker:brainstorming session. And the good news is you can always do
Speaker:another one. And another, there's no limit to how many
Speaker:ideas you might come up with to create that content for your
Speaker:audience when you learn how to do this. So let's just go ahead and
Speaker:dive into it. The first thing you need to do to have
Speaker:your content brainstorming session is to commit
Speaker:to doing it. That means put a date on your calendar block
Speaker:off a minimum of 1 hour or better yet maybe 2 hours
Speaker:for a particular day. You can create a lot of
Speaker:content ideas with that focused and non distracted
Speaker:chunk of time where you're not being interrupted,
Speaker:distracted by all the little things that can happen when you
Speaker:think ahead of time to block that time off.
Speaker:So this is really important to plan for this time, so you're not getting
Speaker:distracted or interrupted. Because that's gonna break that
Speaker:creative connection with your brain, and it won't be as effective
Speaker:as if you really have that concentrated amount of time where you
Speaker:can focus on what you're doing. The other reason for putting a date
Speaker:on your calendar is that if you don't plan for
Speaker:doing it. Then it's either not gonna happen at all,
Speaker:or, again, you'll be distracted by something else, and something else will
Speaker:be more important Or you'll give up your
Speaker:priority for doing the content brainstorming session.
Speaker:Distractions are things like children or dogs or other
Speaker:pets that might be looking for attention or phones or anything
Speaker:that rings or dings. You wanna make sure that you've got those
Speaker:phones turned off, or at least silence them so that you're not
Speaker:distracted by an auditory ding ding
Speaker:ring. You might also wanna make sure your computer notifications
Speaker:are on the silence. There's also different apps or
Speaker:sites you can use on the computer where you're not gonna be disrupted by those
Speaker:notifications that will distract you. If you've got
Speaker:kids, make plans for the kids. You don't wanna be interrupted
Speaker:when you're doing your brainstorming session because they're having a
Speaker:fight or they need a snack, or they
Speaker:need a board and break. And you also don't wanna be interrupted by
Speaker:the dog who needs a bio break and needs to go outside. So
Speaker:if you have a pet that needs to go out, make sure that's been done
Speaker:before you sit down to do your session.
Speaker:And if you don't make every effort, to turn off the distractions
Speaker:and potential disruptions before you get started.
Speaker:You might find that your designated time to do your session is
Speaker:gone before you accomplish what you wanna get done.
Speaker:It might even be gone before you get started. Within your brainstorming
Speaker:time, you'll wanna set a timer. for some tasks that you'll do
Speaker:because it's really easy to go down some rabbit holes, and then you'll lose your
Speaker:focus. And then, again, you're designated
Speaker:time for doing this brainstorming session is
Speaker:just eaten up by exploring things on that proverbial
Speaker:rabbit hole. You don't want your planning time to be
Speaker:poof, gone. So commit to a time
Speaker:and plan for that time. You also
Speaker:wanna set up your environment to best tap into your
Speaker:creativity. Maybe you like to listen to music
Speaker:or perhaps you prefer to have an app playing the sound of rain
Speaker:or ocean or meditation music. because that
Speaker:may help you tap into your creative side more easily.
Speaker:I prefer quiet and just silence. to tap
Speaker:into my creative side. Some people find they like
Speaker:having a candle burning or maybe even some incense. If
Speaker:you're at a desk, It's best to remove all the
Speaker:clutter, all those distracting papers so you're not
Speaker:tempted by them whether to read them file them
Speaker:or somehow deal with them. So clear off your desk.
Speaker:One of the things I like to do is leave a notepad or a sheet
Speaker:of paper on the desk, though. That way, if something else
Speaker:invades my thought processes and reminds me, oh my gosh. I
Speaker:forgot to do this. I forgot to do that. Gotta remember to
Speaker:buy milk or eggs at the grocery store or any number of things
Speaker:that threaten to disrupt your time. You can write those
Speaker:things down on the notepad. Just don't jump in and try and
Speaker:do that thing right away. As soon as that brainstorming
Speaker:session is over, that's when you can do it. Just write it on
Speaker:that piece of paper or notepad. and let it go and get
Speaker:back to the task you're working on. And that's the first thing you're gonna
Speaker:look at when you're finished with your brainstorming session. So you can take care of
Speaker:those things later. So you've got the time set
Speaker:aside. You've planned for potential distractions and interruptions.
Speaker:You've set up the environment for stimulating your creative
Speaker:process. However, that looks for you. What's
Speaker:next? you need to come up with some type of a container,
Speaker:some place where you'll put all of your ideas.
Speaker:either copy and paste them in this place or write
Speaker:them in. So decide on that container
Speaker:where your content ideas will be stored.
Speaker:That could be a Trello board. I myself use Trello.
Speaker:It might be a a Word document or a Google Sheet.
Speaker:You could also use Dropbox or Evernote just someplace where you
Speaker:put all of your ideas. That is preferable
Speaker:to writing out your ideas on sticky notes or scrap papers
Speaker:that tend to get lost. You're investing your time here
Speaker:on this brainstorming session, and you wanna capture those ideas in
Speaker:some kind of a container so you'll always have them at the ready in the
Speaker:future. So you've decided on where you're gonna put
Speaker:those ideas. Now you're ready to start. One of
Speaker:the best ways to get started is to just do a brain
Speaker:dump. So set a timer for 10 minutes
Speaker:Remember, we don't wanna go down any rabbit holes. So set that timer for
Speaker:10 minutes and then just write down
Speaker:everything or type it into a a trello board
Speaker:wherever you want to put it. Whatever is that container, get
Speaker:everything out of your brain, a brain dump, of everything that you
Speaker:think you like to write about. What does your ideal
Speaker:clients struggle with? What are their challenges? What do
Speaker:they wanna achieve? What results do they wanna get?
Speaker:Write down all those results, topics,
Speaker:subtopics, all the things clients have asked for in the past
Speaker:that you thought might be a good idea, just everything that comes to
Speaker:mind. What would help your ideal client
Speaker:move from pain island to pleasure island?
Speaker:Now I need to say this. This is a no judgment
Speaker:zone. Don't filter or judge at this stage. Just
Speaker:write down or type up -- all the ideas that come to
Speaker:you. Put those into your container. You can deal with
Speaker:it later. There are no dumb ideas at this point. Whenever
Speaker:you think of something, write it down. Don't be judgmental.
Speaker:It's not a good idea. It's not a bad idea. It's just an
Speaker:idea. Your brainstorming everything right now. Put
Speaker:down anything that comes into your mind. No matter how likely you
Speaker:are to do it, to write about it, or use that as
Speaker:content or how unlikely you are. No judgment.
Speaker:It's just about getting everything down.
Speaker:And I wanna make a point here that your goal
Speaker:here is to create different topics or even titles
Speaker:if it comes to you for content. But remember, you're not married to
Speaker:these topics. You're not married to those titles. This
Speaker:is completely changeable. This is a starting spark.
Speaker:So eventually, you may change those. You might come up with a
Speaker:completely different title, and maybe there are topics you'll write
Speaker:down that you don't ever write about. But this is
Speaker:just to remind you for the next time when you're planning out your content for
Speaker:the month or the quarter. These ideas that you
Speaker:put down will spark whatever you decide to
Speaker:write about or, like I said before, It
Speaker:could be a product or a course for sale.
Speaker:This is just gonna get you going. Eventually, you'll come up with a different
Speaker:title, most likely. but you just wanna get
Speaker:all the ideas as it comes to you in this creative session.
Speaker:Okay. Now after your 10 minutes of brain dumping,
Speaker:move on to a different task. You could Next,
Speaker:do a Google search for keywords or topics. And, again, you
Speaker:wanna set a timer. This time,
Speaker:put a little more time on the clock, 15 to 30
Speaker:minutes. One of the things that I find happens especially
Speaker:with some of these tasks in a Google research is
Speaker:that if I don't set a timer and I know I'm not alone, I
Speaker:can get sucked down a rabbit hole of research, and the
Speaker:research is not necessarily research. It could be cat
Speaker:videos or dog videos or pet videos of any kind,
Speaker:or clickbait type headlines that make me completely forget what
Speaker:I'm doing. And then I start reading articles that have nothing to do with
Speaker:the task at hand. So your timer will remind
Speaker:you. If you hear it or you see it on your desk ticking
Speaker:away, it helps remind you that you only have a certain
Speaker:amount of time to do this research. It's gonna help keep you focused.
Speaker:So set that timer for each of these different sections of your
Speaker:brainstorming. So this one, For the Google search, you're
Speaker:going to do between 15:30 minutes.
Speaker:Now during that Google research,
Speaker:Be sure to check out the section called, people also
Speaker:ask, and at the bottom of your Google search, there
Speaker:is a see more section. Those areas will give
Speaker:you even more ideas for topics or even titles.
Speaker:So you've done a brain dump, you've done a Google search, and
Speaker:the 3rd place to use to come up with some ideas in your
Speaker:brainstorming session, is your past content.
Speaker:Now put about 30 minutes on the timer for this section.
Speaker:And that could be less if you don't have a lot of content out there,
Speaker:but if you've been writing blogs or you have a podcast or
Speaker:YouTube channel, you wanna go over all of that
Speaker:past content and determine which articles
Speaker:or podcast episodes or videos have resonated
Speaker:most with your readers. You could use Google Analytics
Speaker:to see which ones have been the most popular or go by the
Speaker:comments that have been posted. Read through those comments
Speaker:and see what was said about that topic. You can write
Speaker:more content about those particular topics
Speaker:or you can also refresh and repurpose that material to
Speaker:create something new. So add those
Speaker:popular posts to your idea of brainstorming list
Speaker:and mark them for repurposing, refreshing,
Speaker:or writing new material. Now
Speaker:your 4th place to head would be to Amazon.
Speaker:Yes. Amazon. You wanna spend about 30 minutes
Speaker:looking up book titles in your niche.
Speaker:Use the look inside tool to study the table of
Speaker:contents for ideas you can use for content starters.
Speaker:but it's also great to use that for titles of
Speaker:future blog posts or even coaching programs. You're using
Speaker:the content inside that look inside tool for
Speaker:sparks. Remember, you're not stealing material that's in there.
Speaker:You're just using that as a starting place, a
Speaker:place to think of creative ideas that your audience
Speaker:would be interested in. And there you have it.
Speaker:How to do brainstorming sessions for content ideas, so you'll
Speaker:never run out of content ideas in the future. One of the ways
Speaker:that I like to help people remember, those particular points is through an
Speaker:acronym, and believe it or not, that acronym word
Speaker:is content. Let me go through that with you. I'll
Speaker:recap and remind you as we go through this acronym.
Speaker:So starting with co, the c o of content.
Speaker:It stands for commit to a time. And,
Speaker:also, it helps you to remember you need to capture all of your
Speaker:ideas into some kind of container. So
Speaker:CO is for commit to a time and a container
Speaker:for all of your ideas. And the n in
Speaker:content stands for no distractions. So make sure that
Speaker:all of the things that could potentially distract you,
Speaker:make sure you've got those removed. The next letter is
Speaker:t. That is for timer. Make sure that you set a timer
Speaker:for the different sections where you're gonna be doing your brainstorming
Speaker:ideas. Using that timer helps you keep focused,
Speaker:and it prevents you from going down rabbit holes, burning up all
Speaker:that time you set aside for your brainstorming session. e
Speaker:is the next letter. It's for the environment. Set the mood.
Speaker:Set the ambiance for your brainstorming session, whether that's with the use
Speaker:some soft music or meditation, some chimes in the
Speaker:background, or use some essential oil
Speaker:to diffuse or maybe some incense. You wanna clear
Speaker:that clutter off your desktop and add a
Speaker:notebook or a piece of paper. So you can write down anything
Speaker:that crops up that you wanna remember to take care of after you're
Speaker:done. things that have nothing to do with your content ideas.
Speaker:Write that down, and then just let it go. Now
Speaker:second, letter n in content.
Speaker:And that stands for, there are no dumb ideas.
Speaker:Write them all down. There'll be no judging at this point.
Speaker:No judgment, no dumb ideas. And the
Speaker:last t is for topics. You're looking for topics.
Speaker:Titles. Write everything down. Eventually, you're gonna sort through
Speaker:all of that. So that's the acronym
Speaker:content and how to go about creating a content
Speaker:brainstorming session to generate a large volume of
Speaker:content ideas. Okay. So
Speaker:there you have it. How to do a content
Speaker:brainstorming session never run out of content ideas.
Speaker:I hope you got a few golden nuggets from today's episode.
Speaker:I'll be back next week with another episode of the She's got
Speaker:content podcast. In the meantime, make sure that
Speaker:you're getting your content out of your head, out of your heart,
Speaker:and out there into the world where people are waiting to
Speaker:learn from you. Have a great week.
Speaker:Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the She's got content
Speaker:podcast. I hope you got at least one nugget to take action on this
Speaker:week. If you got value from today's episode, I would be
Speaker:so grateful when you leave a 5 star rating wherever you listen to
Speaker:podcast. It only takes a second, and it really helps me get my message out
Speaker:to impact even more people so they can in turn keep the ripple
Speaker:going. If you're listening on Apple Podcast, and leave a
Speaker:review of the show. It would really make my day, and you just might
Speaker:receive a shout out on the show with my content creator of the week when
Speaker:I read out your review. And last but never least, if you want
Speaker:an endless supply of just right ideas for content you can write
Speaker:about for your blog post, your emails, your videos,
Speaker:podcast episodes, all the content things, then you wanna head over
Speaker:to my website at she's got content dot com forward
Speaker:slash content, and pick up your free workbook. Never run out of
Speaker:content ideas. Look for that link in the show notes today
Speaker:along with the other links mentioned in today's episode.
Speaker:Until next time content creators, you've got an audience waiting to hear from you,
Speaker:and you've got content to share with them. Stop being the best kept
Speaker:secret and make a bigger impact when you've got