Never Run Out of Content Ideas

By Melissa Brown, MD

content idea generator, content multiplier, Free Resource, never run out of content ideas

Has this ever happened to you? It’s time to post another blog post, record a podcast episode, or go live with your video.

But there’s a problem.

You’re completely out of ideas. Your mind is blank and you have no idea what to write, talk about or demonstrate.

One Big Frustration For Content Marketers

frustrated woman at computerOne of the biggest frustrations expressed by content marketers is the dreaded blank screen syndrome. This happens when it’s that time to sit down and come up with content for the next publication date for your blog, podcast, or video recording. The deadline is looming–or maybe it’s even overdue.

However, your mind is blank and you have no idea what to write as you sit looking at a blank screen. The only thing you see happening is a blinking cursor–mocking you–making you even more anxious while you wait for inspiration.

Your fingers sit on the keyboard, waiting for some divine message from the contents inside your head.

Yet your fingers remain still. Your mind won’t engage and you’re just not able to come up with any ideas worth typing.

Maybe you’ve been there, done that, and earned the trophy, too!

I certainly have!

And now, I have a solution for this blank screen challenge. I want to share with you what I’ve discovered that will prevent this scenario from happening again.

The System

I’ve put together a system to help you come up with endless content ideas. You’ll first generate core content categories to write or talk about. Next is to brainstorm subtopics for each of those core categories. By taking one more step and applying a ‘content multiplier’ to each of your subtopics, you can literally come up with hundreds of great ideas for content titles. AND, these will all be great ideas that your ‘right-fit’ audience will love.

Even More Ideas

But that’s not all! In this special report plus workbook, I’ve also included another section for even more idea generation. This includes some strategies I teach in my content creation courses. These additional ideas will help you generate a ton more ideas. You will literally NEVER again run out of content ideas once you go through all of these exercises.

Here’s the Best News!

spiral bound mockup of Never Run Out of Content Ideas freebieI’m making this information available FREE for my community. So pick up this special combo report/workbook with the content generator template along with the content multiplier now before I come to my senses. <img draggable=

Just click on the button below and the information will be delivered to your inbox as fast as the internet elves work their magic.

Once you’ve generated all the content ideas you’ll ever need, come back here and leave a comment about your experience using it.

I can’t wait to see all the fabulous information you’ll be sharing with your audience for a long time to come!

This blog post may contain recommendations for products, services, and events. In some cases, the links provided are affiliate links. That means that if you click on the link and then buy a product at the site recommended, you won't pay a penny more and the author may earn compensation as a thank you. You can be assured that any of the promoted products have personally been used by or researched by the author for you and found to be high quality before being recommended. 

About the author

Dr. Melissa Brown's career journey has always had an element of teaching. After retirement from clinical pediatric practice, Dr. Brown has taught and mentored as a healthy lifestyle coach, author, and speaker. She currently teaches solopreneurs and coaches how to stop being the world's best-kept secret. Her mission is to help you: Create great content. Impact people. Change the world.

    • Thank you, so much for taking the time to leave a message, Jennifer!

      It’s been a labor of love this past month to create this tool. I wish I had had something like it when I started out. Always seems to be the best way to pay it forward when we create something for others that we’ve identified as lacking for our beginner selves! 😍

    • Thank you for your comment, Lane! That blank screen syndrome is so frustrating. I’m sure you’ll never have to deal with it again once you create a whole closet full of ideas to pull out and pop onto your screen at a moment’s notice. Have fun filling up your closet!

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