She's Got Content Podcast logo with microphone and colored bubbles

Hate marketing? Here are 6 questions to ask yourself to focus on a different mindset to find new coaching clients.
Content is more than merely written text. The words on your website, in your blog, newsletter, social media, and digital products can be enhanced and clarified with the visual content you include. Today’s expert, photographer Amanda Myers, has an eye for images and how to use them to promote your products and services. She shares...
Learn from other coaches through their trials and errors. You don't have to make these mistakes, too. If you find you're already making some of these common mistakes, it's not too late to course correct.
Don’t Miss Inside This Episode: If writer’s block is content creation constipation, learn what’s the equivalent of fiber that keeps your writing and your creativity flowing. What famous artist do you need to learn to think like and what’s the book that helps you do just that? 5-5-7 breathing and how it helps you focus...
Stories help you relate to your audience. If you think you don't have stories, think again. This podcast episode will help you remember more stories from your past when you use the prompts to tap into your memory banks.