Discover The Secret Strategy of Top Coaches: VIP Days

By Melissa Brown, MD

The biggest buzzword for success recently is the word ‘leverage’. The definition of leverage is using something to maximum advantage.

Often used with the words ‘time’ and ‘money,’ leverage can be applied to even more things–your business, your reputation, relationships. Creating VIP days is a very smart way to leverage your time and efforts–to work smarter, not harder.
Creating VIP days is a very smart way to leverage your time and effort. You work smarter, not harder. Share on X

While this concept of VIP days is not really a ‘secret’ strategy, few coaches or service providers are using them to the max.

In this article, you’ll discover how you can use VIP Days to help leverage your time and expertise while you increase your bottom line.

It’s a win-win for you and your clients. VIP days allow clients to fast-track their goals when they partner with you for your undivided attention. You’ll free up more time for whatever you want to do with it, without negatively impacting your bottom line. Indeed, you could actually increase your income working with fewer clients this way.

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The Challenge

Most coaches and service providers trade hours for dollars. That leads to spending hour after hour in person, on the phone, Zoom, or Skype with one client after another.

pensive woman with clock in backgroundLet’s face it, that can be exhausting. Sure, you love working with different clients. Who isn’t stoked by being able to help someone overcome challenges and achieve their goals?

But it’s still taxing to be in front of a constant parade of clients or on the phone or Zoom with them every working day. And add to that the need to constantly be looking for new clients, and you’ve got a recipe for burnout.

After all, there are really only so many hours in a day or a week.

So how can you begin to scale this type of business model without working more hours or more days?

VIP Days Are The Solution

Consider offering VIP days as the solution for you to work smarter, not harder.

Simply put, a VIP day leverages your time and efforts while you focus on helping one person reach their goals faster.
A VIP day leverages your time and efforts while you focus on helping one person reach their goals faster. Share on X

A VIP day is scheduled as a whole day with you and (usually) one single client. Instead of multiple clients and different issues in one day, you simply focus on a single goal for that one client.

Don’t Get Stuck On The Word ‘Day’

Some coaches even create special VIP half days or Mini-VIP days if the goal can be achieved within about 4 hours of work.

Maybe a goal or project would actually take more than a day to complete. You could call it a VIP Intensive instead of VIP day. Carve out as much time as you comfortably need with your offerings to get the results your client craves.

You can leverage your time even more by combining 2-3 people into a group VIP Experience, especially if this is a done-with-you type of service. This, of course, depends on the niche and the problem solved, as well as privacy issues.

Consider an in-person retreat as a special type of VIP Experience shared by several people at once. All may be working towards their own, albeit similar, goals. Sometimes that shared experience even leverages the time and results exponentially!

Potential Income

The best part is, while many coaches charge 3 or 4 figures for VIP days, it’s not unheard of for VIP days to command 5 figure prices. You can do the math and realize that scheduling just 4 clients per month at those figures can bring in more than a whole week’s worth of one-on-one calls.

Of course, there are no guarantees for how much you’ll earn for your VIP days. Keep in mind, most coaches start out with conservative pricing and increase the fees as the demand increases for their VIP services. This also allows you to refine your offers and your systems to deliver the best results during your VIP time, naturally increasing your fees as you go.

How cool would it be to be able to help others reach their goals so much faster while having even more time for yourself with a positive impact on your business bottom line?

Why People Love VIP Days

You might be wondering why someone would want a VIP day.

People pay for expediency and results. They love saving time and getting results faster. Clients get to move on quicker from Point A to Point B. Many are willing to pay whatever it takes to get those results faster.

Don’t think that’s true? Here are some real-life examples where people spend more for better and/or faster results:

  • People pay more for the Fast Pass in amusement parks so they don’t waste time standing in endless lines.
  • Travelers gladly pay for the Trusted Traveler and Global Entry programs to avoid long lines at the security check-in at airports and immigration when returning from other countries.
  • Brides pay for wedding planners and day-of coordinators because they want the best results for their big day with no stress.
  • And maybe even closer to home–do you use food or grocery delivery services, a house cleaning service, or a dog-walking service to save time and allow you to do other things? Sure, you could probably do those things yourself, but by paying someone else to do it, you’re free to do other things for your business or enjoy more ‘ME’ time.

Don’t sell yourself short on the value others gain from spending time with you. A chance to have your eyes, your smarts, and YOU all to themselves for a set time to work on one of their goals is something people would pay dearly for.

VIP Day Logistics

Where Is Everyone During Your VIP Day?

Here’s how VIP days work: In the days before the COVID-19 pandemic, clients would travel to your location for a VIP day.

You then have lots of options to choose where to meet. Meet in your home, in a rented meeting space or private room in a restaurant, or a hotel.

When the COVID-19 pandemic made travel impossible or at least not smart, hosting virtual VIP days became the norm. You can easily use Zoom or a similar video conferencing platform to connect with your client for a planning session or to deliver a VIP day.

Having virtual VIP days will save your client travel time and expense. Since the whole idea for a VIP day is to save time and fast-track the results, it’s an easier ‘YES’ for a client when the VIP offering is virtual.

Single Goal

Your VIP day is tightly focused and has a single goal. You’re going to have results by the end of your VIP day. This is built-in accountability–the secret sauce to reaching goals!

Be sure you and the client are both on the same page about the singular goal, the end result, of your VIP day. Mismatched expectations between client and coach are eliminated with clear communication before the VIP day starts. Use your coaching skills to clarify and reflect back to the client to avoid any misunderstandings.

VIP Day Ideas

The ideas for VIP days are endless. Say your market is online business owners and you’re a genius at book writing. Your VIP days might be designed to get a client to plan, outline, and begin writing her first book.

If you’re a health coach, you can structure a virtual VIP day with a client to help strategize a weight loss goal. The VIP day includes meal planning, selecting recipes, and planning out strategies that will help set up the client for success. Maybe that includes how to prep meals on the weekend.

If you’re doing that type of VIP day in-person locally, there are other ideas you can include. A health coach could add a trip to the grocery store to teach clients how to shop smart for all the items in their individualized meal plan. That could even be a bonus or optional add-on. If you’re highly creative, you might even be able to accomplish that shopping trip virtually with your client!

Highly Focused

Your VIP clients receive the benefit of your expertise through your undivided attention. They have a day spent with you simply focusing on their tasks to reach their goals. It’s a powerful way to get things done.

For you, the coach or service provider, make sure you’ve attended to all potential distractions ahead of the scheduled VIP time. Kids and pets are taken care of and will not be distracting you during this time. Notifications are turned off from the cell phone and computer distractions are minimized or removed.

Implement In Real-Time

Unlike conferences and other training programs, the strategy behind a VIP day encourages clients to actually do the work on-site and complete it. How many times have you gone home from a conference with a notebook full of ideas and good intentions, never to implement a thing? That doesn’t happen with a VIP day!

And if it’s a service that you’re performing for your client, they know that at the end of the allotted time, you’ll be delivering certain receivables to them.

Maybe that means you’re writing a sales page just for them, a series of emails for autoresponders, creating a customized meal plan or exercise routine just for them during this time.

One of the greatest advantages of a VIP Day where you create deliverables for the client is that while you’re working on the client’s project, the client can be working on another project or just chilling and relaxing while their work is getting done. It’s almost as if they’re able to clone themselves for this time to accomplish twice as much in the same amount of time!

Beyond VIP Days–Next Steps

Follow Up Groups

Online conference meeting with woman attending on her desktop computer.VIP experiences also make for a great opportunity to upsell your client into an ongoing group coaching program once the VIP day is over. After all, she’ll likely need support while she’s implementing this new information or habit. Regular coaching sessions with other former VIP clients help her get the support and accountability she needs to continue working towards her goals.

New Goal, New VIP Day

Sometimes one VIP Day can even lead to the desire for a subsequent VIP day. It could focus on the natural next step in the process.

Let’s take our health coach who is helping her client get started with meal planning and prepping to reach a weight loss goal. She may find once the client creates the healthy meal habit and hits her original weight loss goal, she wants to set new goals which necessitate VIP day #2. Maybe that day’s focus is on creating an exercise or strength training program now.

Chances are, someone who got great results with one VIP day will be all in for a second one.

Get Started

Ready to offer your own VIP days? Start by asking your current clients if it’s something they’d be interested in. Chances are they’ll give you an enthusiastic thumbs-up. Then get busy putting together a plan to offer powerful, focused VIP coaching days for them.

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About the author

Dr. Melissa Brown's career journey has always had an element of teaching. After retirement from clinical pediatric practice, Dr. Brown has taught and mentored as a healthy lifestyle coach, author, and speaker. She currently teaches solopreneurs and coaches how to stop being the world's best-kept secret. Her mission is to help you: Create great content. Impact people. Change the world.

  • Melissa, thank you for this unexpected inspiration. I did check out Jordan Gill, and wow! She is very well-spoken. I even signed up for her upcoming program. I have been trying for years to creatively picture how VIP days could work for me. Now I have some great new ideas!

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